The DISDH Secondary School II:
‘A place for scientific work’
The secondary school II of the German International School The Hague covers the last three years of secondary school and leads to the German International Abitur (DIA). This highly respected degree gives our graduates access to German, Dutch and other European and international universities.
Year 10 has a dual role. On the one hand, it marks the end of the lower secondary education and can be completed with the secondary school certificate (Realschulabschluss). On the other hand, it is the introductory phase to the qualification phase for the German International Abitur, which consists of the four semesters of years 11 and 12. In general, it is possible to switch between school types.
The upper secondary level has a scientific-propaedeutic mission, i.e. it teaches the methodological and content-related prerequisites for admission to university studies.
In our lessons, we impart specialist knowledge at the highest level; our aim is to support, exploit and promote potential.
General education:
Broad and in-depth knowledge transfer in a variety of subjects including mathematics, languages, science, humanities and arts. Teaching is based on the German Gymnasium curriculum.
Scientific work:
Developing research skills through projects, experiments, and the integration of scientific methods in different subjects.
Integration of group work and team projects to prepare students to work effectively in groups.
Self-responsible learning:
Self-organisation and time management training to enable students to learn independently and organise their tasks.
Social skills:
Promoting social skills through collaborative projects, discussions, and activities to encourage interaction between students.
Practical skills:
Integration of hands-on activities and practical skills to prepare students for working life.
Personalised learning situation:
Tailoring lessons to the needs of our students through differentiated teaching methods, individual guidance and the opportunity to pursue their own interests and strengths.
On their way to the German International Abitur, our students study German, English and Maths at an advanced level. Other compulsory subjects include history (bilingual), one artistic subject (art or music), ethics or religion and physical education. In addition, students choose at least four other subjects according to their interests: at least one science (biology, chemistry, physics), French, Dutch, geography or computer science.