
School Principal

Regina Metz

Headmistress Secondary School
Subjects: Social Studies, P.E.

It is refreshing to see how the “little ones” and the “big ones” move around our school. School is so much more than lessons. It is a place of encounter for all of us. We never stop learning from and with each other, and it is especially nice to look at the world and ourselves together with the children and young people with openness, wonder and curiosity. For me, starting at DISDH also opened the door to a new exciting world where there is so much to discover.

Ernst Peller

Deputy Headmaster Secondary School
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry

After 11 years in school management at a Bavarian High School, I am pleased to be able to work at a very familiar school like DISDH as deputy headmaster and as a biology and chemistry teacher. I am particularly keen to be able to provide my pupils with a scientific explanation for everyday phenomena and share my enthusiasm for science with them.

Alice Weeber

Head of Primary School

I became a teacher because it is a beautiful and very meaningful task to pass on knowledge and education while meeting young people. In living and learning with the children, I experience an infinite amount of originality and creativity. The children bring so much with them. It is my task to support them in the development of their personality and their potential.


Antje Nieder

Managing Director

Stephanie Richter

Front desk

Brigitta Hermes

Front Desk

Stephanie Pfaff

Front Desk

Monika Kievith


Dagmar Matthé

Human Resources (HR)

Sabine Liedhegener

PR & Marketing

Mono Becker

PR & Marketing

Ian Thompsen


Tobias Wieczorek

Facility Manager

Roy Dihal

Facility Manager

Dylan van der Velde

Facility Manager

Joan Keller



– from A to Z

Ulrike Braun

Head of Kindergarten, Pre-School and Afternoon Programme Department 

Answering the small and big questions of the children every day again and thus accompanying them in their development is still for me the most beautiful task in my job as an educator. Children with international backgrounds learn at our school in a very personal atmosphere, which gives me a particular pleasure. Nature with beach and sea and culture in a wide range of offers – The Hague combines both and offers many opportunities to discover this together with the pupils.

Michaela Janßen

Pre-School Coordination

I chose the profession of pre-school teacher because children have a different perspective on the world and thus change my perspective. I like DISDH because many age groups live harmoniously under one roof and thus enrich each other.

The North Sea reminds me of my home. It gives me the feeling of living “just around the corner”.

Melanie Amatsoeradi

Starfish Group

Al vanaf de eerste ontmoeting met de collega‘s, de ouders en de kinderen wist ik dat ik hier goed op mijn plek zat. De hartelijkheid en open communicatie vind ik een groot pluspunt dat ook tijdens het werken met de kinderen terugkomt. Daar waar mijn collega‘s in het Duits met de kinderen communiceren, communiceer ik met hen in het Nederlands. Opvallend is dat een nieuwe taal heel snel wordt aangeleerd.

Lucia Barilaro


Children are a wonderful thing. As an educator you have the opportunity to discover the world together with the children and support them in their development. The proximity to the North Sea and the international and cultural diversity at the German International School in The Hague are always exciting.

Sigrun Falk

Seahorse Group

I enjoy the freedom to engage with the different interests and needs of the children and to support each child according to their strengths. Furthermore, the joy and informality of the children gives me a lot of pleasure. During my daily bike rides, I experience and explore the wind, storm and sunshine in all corners of The Hague. I enjoy the sea, the nature, the internationality, the Dutch flair.

Rahel Klein-Soetebier


The diversity of languages, cultures and people brought me to DISDH. I find it amazing how quickly children learn new languages and how fast they make new friends despite language barriers. DISDH is a place where you are perceived and supported as a person with all your facets. And that already starts with us in the Kindergarten!

Kerstin Link

Seahorse Group

I consider working with the “youngest” in our kindergarten to be a very exciting and always interesting challenge. It is an unbelievable enrichment to accompany children in the “great game of life” (as Fröbel said), to shape them and to make them a joyful person.

Julia Rauch


Ulrike de Rijk-Simon


Since my early youth, I have wanted to accompany children in their development. Children have this interested, exploratory way of looking at the world and I get to experience that and encourage them to find answers to their questions.

I was born on the Baltic Sea. Because of love, I moved to the Netherlands, near The Hague.

The North Sea, the sober people and the work at DISDH have made The Hague another home.

Rita Ruijgrok

Language Development/DaF (German as a Foreign Language)

What I like most about our school is the diversity of cultures. It is always great to get to know new customs and habits of children from different countries. The fact that our school is located in The Hague, a place by the sea that brings people from all over the world together, is something special. I always enjoy driving through the streets in the sunshine with all the flags from all over the world.

Dani Schumacher

Seahorse Group

Working with children daily excites, motivates and inspires me. Children see the world with completely different eyes and their stories are so honest and open. It is important to me to accompany the smallest DISDH children on their first steps and to prepare them – individually – for life after Kindergarten.

Philina Sehring

Musk Group

Seeing the world through children’s eyes and to discover it with them and to be amazed together is what makes up my passion for the profession.

I want to guide the children on their paths, support them and look forward to growing together with them.

Nadine Zeilinger

Seastar Group

What I find most exciting about working with children is seeing how they discover and experience the world. I am delighted to pass on my enthusiasm and joy to the children of DISDH and look forward to accompanying them on their journey through life.


– from A to Z

Alice Weeber

Head of Primary School

I became a teacher because it is a beautiful and very meaningful task to pass on knowledge and education while meeting young people. In living and learning with the children, I experience an infinite amount of originality and creativity. The children bring so much with them. It is my task to support them in the development of their personality and their potential.

Melanie Albrecht

Subjects: Art, Remedial Teaching
Coordination School Swimming

Simone Backendorf

Class Teacher Grade 2

Mechtild Benkhoff

Class Teacher Grade 3

In primary school, the children have an infectious enthusiasm. Their motivation to learn shapes the lessons. That’s why I particularly enjoy accompanying the children as they learn written language, read their first books independently or begin to deal consciously with mathematics. Since there is so much more to learning in primary school, it always remains interesting.

Urte Drusch

Class Teacher Grade 4a

For me as a primary school teacher, it is especially nice to see the children continue to “grow” after Grade 4. When the children leave primary school, they still stay in the same building as we do. So, I meet them almost every day and usually there is time for a short chat or at least a “good morning”. I enjoy that very much and find it incredibly exciting to watch how big the “little ones” are growing.

Sonja Giersberg

Coordination Full-Day-School

Christine van Leeuwen

Subjects: English, Dutch

Sabine Schneider

Class Teacher Grade 1

What I particularly like about our school is the fact that I am in contact with so many different people every day. Colleagues from all school areas work together ,and I find it is very enriching. I also think it is great that I don’t just lose track of my students after grade 4. They just change floors and when we meet, there is almost always a short time to talk. That gives our school a family-like atmosphere that I really appreciate.

Eva Schury

Subject: DaF (German as a Foreign Language)

After my teacher training for German, History and German as a Foreign Language and a longer stopover in Bavaria, I am now teaching at DISDH. What do I appreciate about our school? That I have a small Europe around me all the time. We can always learn something from each other. I always try to pass on the importance of this idea to the students at DISDH.

Anna Stumpf

Class Teacher Grade 4b

I myself have experienced that school is more than imparting knowledge. School is about learning with and from each other and requires a good error culture. Therefore, it is important to me that the children in my class feel accepted and welcome. I want to offer them a space where there is room for imagination and their own thoughts, as well as for worries, fears and needs.

Tanja Tamimy

Class teacher Grade 1

Working as a teacher at a school with an enthusiastic student body, a friendly staff, a family atmosphere, an enormous diversity of languages and nationalities – and all this close to the beach – gives me a lot of joy every day.

Ivona Turohan

Subjects: English, Art


– from A to Z

Regina Metz

Headmistress Secondary School
Subjects: Social Studies, P.E.

It is refreshing to see how the “little ones” and the “big ones” move around our school. School is so much more than lessons. It is a place of encounter for all of us. We never stop learning from and with each other, and it is especially nice to look at the world and ourselves together with the children and young people with openness, wonder and curiosity. For me, starting at DISDH also opened the door to a new exciting world where there is so much to discover.

Ernst Peller

Deputy Headmaster Secondary School
Head of Chemistry Department
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry

After 11 years in school management at a Bavarian High School, I am pleased to be able to work at a very familiar school like DISDH as deputy headmaster and as a biology and chemistry teacher. I am particularly keen to be able to provide my pupils with a scientific explanation for everyday phenomena and share my enthusiasm for science with them.

Eva Bäther

Class Teacher Grade 9
Head of Music Department
Subjects: Music, Geography

I am very enthuisiastic to be able to make music together with all the children of the school community at this family-like school. All children are welcome to join us in the workshops and we will also be making music together a lot in the music lessons. Teaching geography here in The Hague is a wonderful enrichment in this European environment with strong minded pupils.

Simon Bäther

Subjects: Music, Mathematics, Technical Education

When it finally clicks, or literally a light flashes. Those are sometimes the most beautiful moments in teaching. That’s another reason why I became a teacher, to experience such moments with the students in my subjects: Music, mathematics and technical education, to witness such moments together with the pupils. Every lesson is different and I look forward to new exciting experiences every day.

Heike Becherer

Class Teacher Grade 12
Head of English Department
Subjects: History, English

Inga Becker

Class teacher Grade 7
Head of Biology Department
Subjects: Biology, German

I studied biology, and at the same time literature and a language, because I wanted to understand life in all its facets, and I studied teaching to be able to pass on this knowledge. The beauty of this profession, is that I can not only teach, but also continue to learn myself. About different students, from experienced colleagues and now also about the culture and language of a new, beautiful country.

Christina Danzebrink

Subjects: German, English

It is always a pleasure for me to work with children and adolescents, to teach facets of literature and language and to look at them from the different perspectives of the pupils. It is always exciting to observe the children’s learning progress. Very important to me is to convey and promote the fun and joy of literature and language.

Beate Dreischang

Class teacher Grade 5a
Head of Art Department
Subjects: Art, Biology

After many years at a secondary school in Baden-Württemberg, I am delighted to be teaching the most beautiful secondary subjects in the world at DISDH. Learning with head, heart and hands is very important to me, whether in art, biology or geography. In addition to my work, I look forward to the country and its people and especially the sea.

Gertraud Franzke

Class Teacher Grade 8
Head of Secondary Modern School & Natural Phenomena Department
Subjects: Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Phenomena, School XL

Discovering the world with children – a challenging task in a rapidly changing time. I like to face this task anew every day, in the natural sciences and computer science, but especially in my function as “Jugend Forscht” coordinator.

Sonja Giersberg

Head of Social Studies Department
Subjects: French, Social Studies

Iris Grunert

Head of DAF DEpartment
Subject: DaF (German as a Foreign Language)

For me, there is nothing better than discovering the German language anew through my students again and again with different linguistic backgrounds, and regularly reinterpreting German culture alltogether and thus being able to look at it from different perspectives. DISDH is a place of learning for enthusiastic, active children – I couldn’t ask for a better place to work!

Ricarda Hacker

Subjects: DaF (German as a Foreign Language), English, History, LRS

I love working with children and accompanying them on their journey. I particularly enjoy seeing their progress and motivating them to realise their full potential. Their curiosity and energy infect me every time! The Hague is the right place for me and the perfect environment – the city is full of opportunities and the sea right on the doorstep invites you to clear your head and find new inspiration. The relaxed atmosphere helps me to approach my schoolwork with fresh energy and creative approaches.

Mariann Hamisch

Class Teacher Grade 12a
Head of History Department
Subjects: English, Social Studies, History

Finja Hilt

Subjects: Mathematics, Social Studies

Angela Kröber

Subjects: Mathematics, German

Sonja Lang

Head of P.E. Department
Subject: P.E.

As a P.E. teacher, I have turned my hobby into my profession. I have been involved in sport since childhood. Since I did athletics as a competitive sport for many years, I cannot imagine my life without sports. That’s why I want to convey the fun and enthusiasm for sport to the students and pass it on to them on their way through life.

Heike Langenheim

Subjects: German, Ethics, LRS, School XL

Christine van Leeuwen

Class Teacher Grade 6
Subjects: English, Dutch, French

Knut Leiß

Class teacher garde 10
Head of Computer Science Department
Subjects: Computer Science, Mathematics

First and foremost, as a teacher, I wish to be able to pass some of my own enthusiasm for my subjects on to the students. Mathematics and computer sciences open up a fascinating world of thinking that can be a gateway to understanding nature, culture and technology. Furthermore, I would like to be part of a large teaching community at school, where we enrich each other and engage with ourselves and our environment with curiosity and goodwill.

Thomas Malzacher

Subjects: Social Studies, School XL

Originally, I come from southern Germany, but I discovered early on that I feel at home in many places in Europe. For private and professional reasons, I have lived in Spain, Switzerland and Austria. At our school here in The Hague, many interesting people with exciting biographies from Europe and the world come together in the teaching staff and the student community. This is what makes DISDH so special and makes everyday school life so enriching!

Veronica Meyer

Class Teacher Grade 12b
Head of Geography Department
Subjects: English, Geography

As a teacher, I enjoy discovering and nurturing students’ talents, helping them to find their own way. Teaching geography in English at an international school in The Hague is not only a nice combination of my two subjects, but also a delightful task in a city where you can feel the European spirit everywhere.

Charlotte Müller

Class teacher Grade 11
Head of Ethics Department
Subjects: German, Ethics

After a long period of restless wandering, during which I gained valuable experience in Spain and Germany, I finally feel I have arrived here in The Hague.
As a traveller and free spirit, I love discovering new places and cultures – be it on my hikes, while reading or through yoga. The Hague and DISDH offer me the perfect combination of warmth, culture and beach love. And although the sunny weather on Mallorca was lovely, I did miss the harsh climate here in the Netherlands.

Eileen Redeker

Class Teacher Grade 5b
Head of Dutch Department
Subjects: German, Dutch

Reinhold Sahner

Head of Religion Department
Subjects: Religion

As a priest of the German-speaking Catholic community in The Hague, I am very happy that I am also able to be active at DISDH and teach the subject of religion in secondary school, because in addition to my philosophical-theological training, I have also acquired the qualification as a secondary school teacher in the subjects ‘Comparative Religious Studies’ and ‘German as a Foreign Language’ in my adopted country of Denmark, which can now be developed again after years in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore.

Eva Schury

Subjects: DaF (German as a Foreign Language)

After studying to be a teacher of German, history and German as a foreign language and a longer stopover in Bavaria, I now teach at DISDH. What do I appreciate about our school? That I have a small Europe around me all the time. We can always learn something from each other. I always try to pass on the importance of this idea to the students at DISDH.

Lena Schwefer

Head of French Department
Subjects: German, French

As a language teacher, the daily intercultural exchange that lives in The Hague and at DISDH is particularly important to me as a person. Especially in times of the increasing nationalist movements in many European countries, I see it as particularly important to promote cohesion in Europe again, and I would like to contribute to this through my work at our school.

Ivona Turohan

Subject: English

Thomas Vesterling

Subject: Religion

Biljana Vojnovic

Class Teacher Grade 7b
Subjects: French, English, DaF (German as a Foreign Language)

The international flair of The Hague makes my heart beat faster as a foreign language teacher. In my subjects French and English, I would like to deal with my students individually, motivate them to communicate in the respective foreign language without fear of speaking and give them an understanding of the respective culture.

Mareike Winkler

Head of Secondary School II
Head of Physics Department
Subjects: Physics, Mathematics

What sounds rather cliché is actually true: teacher has been my dream job since my primary school days. Now, not only can I work in this profession, but I also have great classes and colleagues, and a lively school community in a beautiful city!

School Social Work

– from A to Z

Thessa von Barby

Student Guidance

Fiona Breitfuss

Student Guidance

There is an incredible amount of potential in every child. I really enjoy discovering and promoting children’s individual strengths, resources and learning paths, as well as supporting them in their further development. I was able to do this for four years as a teacher at an inclusive primary school in Salzburg. I am now looking forward to working in an international environment and contributing my experience at DISDH.

Annaleen Zuelsdorf

School Social Worker

I knew early on that working with children and their families was my calling. Accompanying children as they grow and mature, discovering the individuality of each family together with parents, creating opportunities and thinking in solutions, seeing and teaching skills. I have been able to practise this in many different places in Germany over the last few years, most recently as chairperson of a forest kindergarten near Hannover. I am very much looking forward to working in this international and familiar environment of DISDH and to contributing to exciting developments of the school.

Afternoon Programme

– from A to Z

Ulrike Braun

Head of Kindergarten, Pre-School and Afternoon Programme Department

Answering the small and big questions of the children every day again and thus accompanying them in their development is still for me the most beautiful task in my job as an educator. Children with international backgrounds learn at our school in a very personal atmosphere, which gives me a particular pleasure. Nature with beach and sea and culture in a wide range of offers – The Hague combines both and offers many opportunities to discover this together with the pupils.

Chantal Deutsch

Afternoon Programme
(Grade 1 to 4)

Ulrike de Rijk-Simon

Afternoon Programme
(Grade 1 to 4)

Since my early youth, I have wanted to accompany children in their development. Children have this interested, enquiring way of looking at the world and I get to share in that and encourage them to find answers to their questions.

I was born in a beautiful old town on the Baltic Sea. My second home was for many years the Kiel Canal, but because of love I moved to the Netherlands, near The Hague.

Laura Schulz

Afternoon Programme
(Grade 1 to 4)

Above all, the concept of the kindergarten and the promotion of self-determined learning for the children really appealed to me personally at DISDH. I like the fact that our work is adapted to the different interests and needs of the children and is thematically addressed in everyday life. I’m really looking forward to working and spending time together with the children, parents and colleagues.

Matthias Wolpert

Afternoon Programme
(Grade 1 to 4)