Teaching subjects

Secondary school I









Mathematics und natural sciences


Computer science


Music and Art


Social sciences


Physical education


Which subjects are taught in the Secondary School I and to what extent? Here you can find our curriculum for grades 5 to 9.

Table of hours Secondary School I

DISDH neu an der Schule


German is the central element of our school and serves as the language of instruction. A certain level of proficiency is required for admission to the secondary levels, as adequate knowledge of German is crucial for a successful academic career. We offer targeted support for students whose native language is not German. This includes language coaches, German as a foreign language (DaF) instruction in group or individual settings for a fee, as well as special training for dyslexia (LRS).

German Language Diploma:

Children and adolescents can demonstrate their general German language skills by participating in the examination process for the German Language Diploma Level I (DSD I). The target level is level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The DSD I serves as proof of German language skills, which is required for admission to numerous preparatory colleges in Germany.



As is customary in Germany too, English is the first foreign language for our students. It is not only included in the curriculum but also in daily life, as English is a significant lingua franca in our international environment. English can be taken as a subject from primary school and is taught continuously until graduation. The aim of the instruction is to make students proficient in the four skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and to teach them about cultural and literary topics according to German curricula. In addition to certificate assessment, we offer the opportunity to obtain internationally recognized Cambridge certificates, for which we also provide preparatory courses.



In the 5th grade, students deepen their Dutch language skills acquired in primary school. This deepening enables them to communicate better in Dutch in daily life and understand complex texts. Dutch can subsequently be continued as an extracurricular activity (AG). From grade 10 onwards, students can choose Dutch as a new foreign language regardless of their previous knowledge.



The subject of French makes a specific contribution to the implementation of the educational mission of German schools abroad. It aims to develop the personality of students by training emotional-affective, cognitive, creative, and linguistic-communicative skills that enable them to use language as a means of communication.

At DISDH, students can learn French as their second foreign language. In grades 6 to 9, basic education is provided, meaning that fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes are acquired, which are prerequisites for successful completion of Secondary Level II. Through various events such as the German-French Day, students deepen their language skills.

DISDH Arbeitsgemeinschaften 3

Mathematics and natural sciences

An important part of modern life and a central aspect of DISDH is the practical application of mathematics and natural sciences. Through practical exercises, experiments, and self-designed exhibitions in modern, well-equipped classrooms, our students experience daily that these subjects are lively and offer much more than just theory. We rely on the use of modern digital media. Biology is taught from the 5th grade, physics from the 7th grade, and chemistry from the 8th grade onwards.

DISDH Sprachen 7

Computer science

At DISDH, we understand that digital literacy is a language of the modern world.
From grade 5 onwards, students receive personalised tablets and are systematically introduced to their use in ITG lessons (computer science lessons). The focus is initially on teaching application skills, supplemented by initial programming experience with Scratch and projects for processing sensory data in interdisciplinary lessons with natural phenomena.
In grades 8 and 9, the school offers computer science as an elective subject, where a broad spectrum of the subject is covered in an age-appropriate way. In addition to specialising in programming languages such as Python and taking part in competitions such as the Computer Science Youth Competition and Informatik Biber, topics such as how computers work and social aspects of IT are also discussed.


Music and Art

Promoting our students’ creativity is particularly important to us. In music class, all children learn to play an instrument and regularly perform at school concerts. In addition, we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities such as choir, band, junior band, rock band, and the opportunity to take instrumental lessons at our school. Concert visits in The Hague are firmly anchored in the curriculum.

In art class, not only art and art history, but also architecture and design are essential topics. In theory and especially in practice, students learn to consciously perceive their environment and to be creative.



Social studies

The field of social sciences (GPW) at our school includes the subjects of religion, ethics, history, social studies, and geography. Our primary goal is to educate our students to be responsible and independent adults who are able to actively and responsibly shape their own lives as well as our democratic society.

The social science subjects play a crucial role in this. Within these subjects, our students acquire the ability to develop, justify, and critically question their own views on political, economic, social, and societal issues. In addition, they learn to engage in fair discussion while considering different perspectives.



Physical education

Physical education has a high priority at DISDH and is an integral part of school life. Our holistic, salutogenic approach aims to promote students’ joy in movement, play, and sports in an environment conducive to physical activity. With our school sports concept, we aim to develop responsible, active, and health-conscious individuals. Our goal is to sustainably maintain the joy of movement and sports, and to establish health awareness and fitness as part of the lifestyle.

In addition, we offer our students the opportunity to test and develop their performance in competitions. Our teachers support participation in various competitions such as the DISDH Charity Run and the CPC Run The Hague, as well as the formation of school teams for events such as the European Games and Olympic Moves.