Afternoon Care / Working Groups / School XL / Holiday Activites

When the school bell has rung after the last lesson, it is far from over at DISDH.

In the afternoon, pupils can choose from age-specific modules.


Afternoon Care
(1ST – 4TH Grade)


School XL (5TH – 7TH Grade)


Working Groups (AGs)


Holiday Offer


Afternoon Care (1ST – 4TH Grade)

We start the afternoon with a shared hot lunch, and later in the afternoon, the children get another snack. After lunch, the children do their homework under pedagogical supervision.

Relaxation and free activities are the focus of our programme. During free play time, the children are allowed to decide for themselves whether they would prefer to build, paint, read or play outside. Joint excursions to the beach and forest as well as to various museums are regularly on our programme.

The supervised afternoon programme for our basic children takes place every day until either 15:30 or 18:00.


School XL (5TH – 7TH Grade)

In the afternoons, our motto is “School XL”: This afternoon offer is specially tailored to the pupils in grades 5 to 7. The afternoon begins here with a joint and warm lunch (Please register your child for lunch. School XL does not include lunch!). Afterwards, they can not only do their homework under professional, pedagogical supervision, but age-appropriate activities are also offered. These include more challenging projects that engage pupils over a longer period of time. On the two remaining days, classes are held until 15.30.

In addition to the afternoon programme, DISDH also offers numerous working groups.


Working Groups (AGs)

DISDH working groups stand for fun, games, languages, music, sports and lots of good humour. This is exactly what we want our pupils to enjoy, lesson after lesson, in the DISDH working groups.

Our programme offers something for everyone and is full of variety. With an age-appropriate offer and pedagogical concepts, we cordially invite you to join us.

Click here – and here we go with the presentation of our activities.



Holiday Offer

There is no such thing as boredom during the holidays. The DISDH offers a varied holiday programme.
We offer a varied holiday programme for our pupils during the holidays in February, May, summer and autumn. You can register your child for this when he or she attends our kindergarten or primary school. Our holiday programme is dedicated to a different theme each time, on which we undertake many exciting and varied activities. These include sports, cooking, artistic activities, games and fun. On trips and excursions, for example, to the museum, the beach or the forest, we discover our surroundings.

Here you can find the current holiday programme (only in German).